Making History: Israel and Sudan to Sign Normalization Agreement with Dr. Haim Koren, Former Ambassador to South Sudan

October 24, 2020PAST EVENT

Following the historic peace agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, US President Donald Trump announced that Sudan would follow suit by normalizing relations with Israel.

Former Israeli ambassador to South Sudan, Dr. Haim Koren, will discuss the development’s significance, while providing a unique “behind-the-scenes” view of the diplomatic process.

Dr. Haim Koren is Israel’s former ambassador to Egypt and South Sudan, where he spearheaded efforts to establish formal ties between Israel and the young nation. He previously served as the Director of the Middle East Division at the Center of Political Research in Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Dr. Koren was also the Director of the Political Planning Division in the ministry. He has served in various other diplomatic capacities in the United States, Egypt and Nepal.

Dr. Koren has published dozens of articles in his area of expertise. His forthcoming work is titled, “Identity, Religious and Ethnology in Darfur: the Sudanese Fabric, the Regional Circle and the International Arena.”

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