ICC seeks arrest warrants against PM Netanyahu and hamas terrorist leader Yahya Sinwar analysis by NGO Monitor Legal Advisor Anne Herzberg

May 20, 2024PAST EVENT

The “Iron Swords” war broke out in the early morning hours of October 7—fifty years and one day from the start of the 1973 Yom Kippur War. The number of Jews killed was the most on one day since the Holocaust and Israelis have witnessed atrocities that they never thought would be repeated. MediaCentral was the first to help foreign journalists in the country get updated on what exactly was going on with a Zoom conference just hours after the war erupted. We have continued to follow the resulting military operations and have assisted the more than one thousand reporters who have been sent to the region to cover the events.

May 20: ICC seeks arrest warrants against PM Netanyahu and hamas terrorist leader Yahya Sinwar analysis by NGO Monitor Legal Advisor Anne Herzberg

The International Criminal Court is seeking arrest warrants for Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity over the October 7 attacks on Israel and the subsequent war in Gaza, the court’s chief prosecutor Karim Khan told CNN earlier today. NGO Monitor Legal Advisor and International Law Expert Anne Herzberg will discuss the possibility of these charges

Anne Herzberg is the Legal Advisor and UN Representative of NGO Monitor. She has published multiple opeds and academic articles on the ICC. In 2010, she participated in an NGO Roundtable hosted by the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC and in 2020 was part of a group of attorneys that filed an amicus brief to the Court regarding the “Situation in Palestine”.


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